Thursday, 27 February 2014

See what Kenya’s first daughter, NGINA KENYATTA, did over the weekend that left Kenyans SHOCKED

Over the weekend, Kenya’s first daughter, Ngina Kenyatta, shocked many when she attended the Safaricom Jazz Festival held at Ngong Race-Course, without her usual heavy security. Ngina, who is a down-to-earth lady, mingled with fellow party attendants freely and even bought them drinks.

The ever-smiling President’s daughter danced to every tune that was chucked out at the VIP tent surrounded by her close pals. Ngina’s simple lifestyle pleased many and some were over-heard questioning why Raila Odinga’s children, who are known to cause mayhem at every party they attend, can’t just copy the firts daughter’s good morals.

After the party, she was quietly chauffeured into a waiting black Range Rover, waiving to fellow Kenyans just like her father does. Most of Kenya’s jazz and afro-pop artists among them Aaaron Rimbui, Sauti Soul and Judge Kavutha performed at the event.

Here are some photos to that event;

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